For the UPSC Interview Discussions/Civil Services Personality Test or Interview, the most fundamental and necessary requirement from an aspirant is twofold- first is clarity of thoughts and the second is the balance of thoughts. Lack of clarity over an issue may create a fog of uncertainty about the decisions that one has to take as a bureaucrat. Similarly, if one’s opinions and points of view are not balanced enough and are rather prejudiced or stereotypical, then the correctness of the decisions taken on the basis of his/ her perception becomes highly questionable.
The interview board of UPSC tries to test this very important aspect. While preparing for the Mains examination, an aspirant gets clarity of thought with respect to a range of issues. However, whenever it comes to the balance of opinion, it is found that the opinions are shaded by the continuous inflow of information from numerous sources which might be partisan or highly critical. It is, therefore, important for an aspirant to have his/ her own critical thinking, based upon his/ her own moral compass.
But this is easier said than done. The best way to do it to think about what one has already read or learned. Then it is important to rethink those learning’s from one’s own critical moral prism and finally learn to create and produce a response that is ethical, balanced and unbiased.
The Think, Rethink and Perform (TRP) initiative does precisely that. For a duration of almost two months, your intellectual and moral leanings will be tested by the questions posed by Centre For Ambition. These questions would be highly deliberative and would encompass a range of issues that are relevant for the Personality Test.
The purpose of UPSC Mock Interview is to help a candidate assess his strengths and weaknesses more accurately before the actual UPSC personality test. This way, he can perform his level best in the final stage of the Civil Services Exam.
The purpose of UPSC Mock Interview is to help a candidate assess his strengths and weaknesses more accurately before the actual UPSC personality test. This way, he can perform his level best in the final stage of the Civil Services Exam.
The purpose of UPSC Mock Interview is to help a candidate assess his strengths and weaknesses more accurately before the actual UPSC personality test. This way, he can perform his level best in the final stage of the Civil Services Exam.
As per the latest UPSC notification, the purpose of a UPSC interview is to gauge the personal suitability of a candidate for a career in public service. It is overseen by a Board of competent and unbiased observers (senior bureaucrats and experts) headed by a Chairperson.
A UPSC interview is of 275 marks with no minimum qualifying marks. A UPSC interview aims to understand the motivation, inspiration and intention of a candidate towards a career in public service. The candidate will be assessed by a Board who will have beforehand a Detailed Application Form (DAF) filled by the candidate at the time of his/her registration for the main examination.
A Detailed Application Form (DAF) would give an idea of the record of his/her career. A Candidate generally get asked many direct questions from his/her DAF and also about national and international issues and on matters of general interest.
Indian Administrative Services in addition to other Civil Services are permanent executives and is one of the most challenging jobs on earth. S/he is responsible for maintaining law and order, collecting revenue and general administration, policymaking and policy supervision, public funds supervision and handling daily affairs of the government.
Your interpersonal skills have a role to play in such a diverse job profile. An IAS officer is a team leader, s/he has to deal with and understand the needs and aspirations of common people. This requires him/her to be empathetic towards the general public. A civil servant can be a genius, but if s/he is not sensitive towards the common public, then s/he does not really serve the purpose s/he was hired for.